Thursday, January 16, 2020

Compassion – God’s Heart on the Move – by Gerry Walker

The international language of soccer

While the three days of building homes are now behind us, God continued to bless us as we developed new relationships and renewed old ones by visiting our sponsored compassion children at one of the compassion centres.  Many acknowledged that “Compassion Day” proved to be more exhausting than our build days….so much emotional connection with our children and their families. We are certainly part of a much bigger thing that God is doing; there are over 60,000 children enrolled in the compassion program in El Salvador.     
Those who have been back several times see and exclaim compassion day is like a big family reunion.  We get updates of not only our children but also parents’ needs. We get the opportunity to pray and speak truth into peoples lives…and we get to see how God is answering pray and impacting our compassion family.
Giving money to compassion is not just helping children and their families materially but we are seeing deep spiritual impact.  The Father’s Heart is using this program to not only reach children but also bring whole families, children, parents and grandparents to Christ.  God is on the move to great changes and transformations in El Salvador in the next generation!   It is remarkable what God is doing by placing burdens on our hearts for these people; the development of new relationships; and prayer!
Despite the heat, there were several soccer games on the premises.  Echoes of laughter spread throughout the building as families visited around tables, shared lunch, played more games, and shared life challenges in the open-air centre.    The language barrier did not stop us from sharing our faith and extending our support.  God’s work was demonstrated by stories of gratitude, blessing, contentment and happiness despite the many challenges of daily life here in El Salvador.
One of the other highlights of the day was God orchestrating the “face time” connection between Betty and Arie in Canada and their son, Brandon and sponsored children here in El Salvador.  God is in control of the technology and the smallest detail!  He really wants to bless us!    
We are being used as God’s vessel pouring out to his people around us.  The boldness that he is giving us here is amazing.  One of the challenges is how can we continue to be a willing impactful vessel when we return to Canada reflecting God’s love and grace!
by Gerry Walker


  1. Thank you for your post Gerry. What a wonderful description of God using you all to show what He can do through us. Your love, love from those you are connecting with, and God's love comes through very strongly in your words. Bless you all.

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