Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Building day 2

Today was the second day of building. Instead of 4 houses however, we planned to build 6. 3 houses in the morning and 3 in the afternoon meant splitting up the team to divide and conquer. The challenge was readily accepted, and with the locals who jump right in and work so hard, the 6 houses were built just as quick!

At the first build site, I was involved in the kids ministry. Pretty quickly we had smiling faces poking out of doorways and skipping down the street to come play. It was so special to be able to connect with each of the kids, whether it was giggling over bubbles with the little ones, or helplessly chasing after the older ones in a match of soccer.  All it took was learning their names to become the best of friends. When you can call each other by name, it feels as though nothing makes us different. We may not be able to understand anything, but by simply repeating our names to each other again and again we confirmed our friendship. In talking to the families and watching the comings and goings of the children, I see that they grow up pretty fast. They might go to school for part of the day, but when they are home they are helping around the house, or taking care of the young ones. At moments during the morning I felt as though they were allowed to be kids again, without having to worry about of be responsible for other things. The joy in their eyes was priceless, and I felt so blessed to be spending time with these children that God loves so dearly. 

During the afternoon I was able to be a part of an interview for a mother and her two children who were receiving a house. Though it started as one of our formal "interviews", we continued to talk and talk (through our translator) long after we had finished asking our questions. She continued to tell us about the landmarks around us, and it seemed easy to keep chatting. This woman lived in a house with 13 other people, and many of them would come and go, stopping to join in the conversation.  When we finally decided go back to the front of the property where they were building, we were met with a nearly completed house. We had no idea we'd been talking for so long. I was so grateful to be able to connect in that way with this woman and the others who lived in the house. After our time together, we truly felt like friends.

 Today I was reminded how important relationships are, and why these trips to El Salvador are so valuable. There may be so many things about our lives that are different from those who live in El Salvador, but when we come together during these weeks we are firstly, and most importantly, brothers and sisters in Christ. 

-Elaina Mohr

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all your stories. We can hear the excitement in them. May God continue to bless your team.


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