Thursday, March 10, 2016

El Salvador Bound

The excitement is mounting, the bags are almost packed!  Bags of Kids and Ladies ministry supplies, gifts for Compassion children, games for kids at the New Dawn ministry!  And oh ya, I need my stuff too!  We as a team of 25 people are about to embark on an adventure.  We are going to a country I love, even though I have only been there twice.  El Salvador has captivated my heart.  I have family there – not family by blood but family by love – bound by the love of God and love for each other.

Our goal is to build 12 homes for people living in extreme poverty.  Families that could never have a home with a roof that doesn’t leak and doors that lock, without the help of someone stepping in and giving aid.  And so many are part of supporting this mission week to help those families have a home!  Thank you to everyone who has contributed, prayed, donated supplies and given encouragement for this calling to become a reality.  We go as a team of 25, but in reality we represent so many who have a passion to lift people out of poverty and see the love of God poured into their lives.  And so we go with anticipation of what God will do this week, in and through us - ready to be changed by the experiences, the people, the country.   Ready to work and minister and bring our gifts and talents.  But knowing we will come away with much more than we could ever bring!

Updates will be posted throughout the week to let you know how things are going.  So check back here if you are interested!

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