Wednesday, November 6, 2013

View from my room!

Many thanks for all your prayers. God is faithful. I am truly blessed to have so many caring people both here and in Canada. I regret not being with the team building homes and working alongside the villagers. They teach us so much, but God has other plans for me. Presently struggling to do this blog on Valerie,s tablet. I am computer challenged. However, it is not about me but what God is doing in me and through me. I feel priviledged that I was part of the interview with the family for house 2. The fact that the 63 year old man knew God but not willing to accept His Grace. People are the same all over the world. There struggles are great! I think of Rosa who is 18 and comes out to help everytime Bethany teams are here. She has a real loving heart and is going to school, overcoming a seeing problem, to learn English and find a career for herself. She loves God and He is making a difference in her life. To see all the hurdles she has to overcome and where she started gives you the hope that God is working to change lives. Through
God,s caring people and prayers lives are changing, we are changing and being enriched because of them. Valerie is asking a villager to make a crutch for me so I will be able to get around better than hopping on one foot. They have no crutches here in the fairly large city of San Vicente. We can not comprehend that back home where all things are easily obtained. I feel humbled yet honoured that a villager who we are here to build for is extending his hand of kindness to me. The sharing of God,s gifts is amazing. The team should be nearing completion on the 8th and final home and soon will return to go to the lagoon. Just a final hello to family and friends outside of  Bethany who are reading this, all is well, see you soon. In
God,s loving care,  Chris


  1. Thanks Chris and others for your posts. Amazing stories. I have been praying for you and take care of your foot! Marg

  2. Wow, that crutch will be an awesome souvenir...but just as cumbersome to bring on the plane as that crazy pinata last year!! ;) Glad to read your post and know you are in good spirits. Praying for recovery. Give my love to Rosa!


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