Last night our team went out to minister to the homeless. We met Pastor Oscar and his team from the church before hand so we could pray togeher. We prayed that we would be Christ hands and feet to those who are lost. Oscar prayed that satan would not hide them from us and we could find those who needed help.
The group from the church had food prepared to give out. Rice, beans, cheese and bread. We drove through the streets of San Vicente looking. Searching for anyone who needed our help. A few blocks from the church we found a group of homeless men sleeping. Another man named Angel who was standing among them came right to us. He was weeping uncontrollably. He had just lost his 25 year old brother. He was killed the night before as Angel and he were walking on the highway not far from where we were building the homes. Angel had went to the hospital to see him but they would not let him in because he had been drinking. He was weeping because he never got a chance to say goodbye to his brother. We sat with Angel and listened to his story. We shared the promise of God's love and grace. Last night Angel accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. We gave him one of the Spanish bibles that we brought from home.
We also met a women named Maria. Maria has been living on the streets for 20 years as a prostitute selling her body to have enough money for her addictions. She does not know her worth and has never felt loved. The women prayed with Maria and shared God's unconditional love for her and how much God cared for her. We can only pray that someday she will know that she has been designed by a loving God and realize her true worth in Him.
Jesus hung out with sinners, and He was judged harshly for it from the Pharisees. The religious people of his time. He hung out with drunkards, prostitutes, tax collectors. The despised and rejected. It is not any different 2000 years later. Let's be honest. People like that make us uncomfortable. It is messy going to minister on the streets to the lost. The thing we cannot ignore though is Jesus has commanded us to do just that! To live like Him. Are we ready to be obedient? I can only speak for myself, it was one of the best nights of my life.