We had an incredible day at the work site. We completed 3 homes today with the whole community coming to help and be a part of it. We shared at the debief how we have lost community in Canada. We live in neighbourhoods where we don't know our neighbours. Today we seen everyone coming around to help us and the community get 3 houses built. Chris, Sid, Edith and I were able to share the gospel message with one of the homeowners. He was not ready to surrender his life to Christ but we continue to pray that the spirit will move on his heart.
We need to ask for prayer. Late in the day Chris Frere fell off the curb and has done some damage to her ankle. She was taken to the local clinic and was checked by the dr. She is in a lot of pain. We will be taking her back to the clinic tomorrow as they need to take xrays before they can tell if it is dislocated or torn something. She has a boot on and is in bed with her leg elevated. She is on a lot of pain medication but she continues to be in a lot of pain. Please pray for her. Please pray that she gets rest tonight and that the Dr will have answers after he see's the xray.
We covet the prayers of our friends back home.
We are keeping the team in our prayers! We are praying for healing for Chris. May all of you be blessed.